Snow Coming?

Weather is reporting around here that there's a "wintry mix" coming to middle TN and temperatures in the 20', I know for you guys in Chicago and what not that you would say "that's warm...", but for us, it's not. And no matter where you are, that is below freezing, which means that whatever falls will be around for a day or so. Thankfully, it is supposed to get back above freezing on Sun/Mon, so we should be okay.

Today has been pretty swell so far. Rehearse my brass choir at 3:30 today. The kids really like the new rep that is in the folder. Although quite difficult, I think it's going to be a very good thing for this group. It forces them to learn new things, and I'm going to push as hard as I can while they're enjoying it! Makes the "sting" feel not so intense...ha! Will write more later...


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