It was said best by a young 8-year-old boy at Nortonville Baptist Church... today is not just Easter... today is RESURRECTION DAY! WOW!!!! Powerful stuff. If an 8-year-old can know that, why can't we all?!?!?!? If the resurrection never happened, our faith would be null. Thank you JESUS for what you did, for accepting our Fathers' plan...and for loving me when I am unlovable.

On another note, I find it amazing how students can make you feel the highest of highs...when you see the light bulbs going off...when you know that you helped them get somewhere that they're proud of, and somewhere that they truly are happy to be. I love helping my students, and I am very dedicated to giving them as many opportunities as possible. HOWEVER, there are some that just do not care, and take everything that you do for them for granted. OH, and on top of that, have an attitude about it. I'm very strict on the rules. When kids go out of their way to break those rules, I dismiss them from the group. Period. Some just don't understand that there has to be structure, rules, and in order to get better, there has to be some mirror work going on from time to time. I was reminded today that I work with some immature students. HOWEVER, that has made me EVEN MORE thankful for the MANY awesome students that I do have and am blessed to be able to work with.


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