Upstream or Downstream???

Saw an interesting video earlier today on brass embouchures... I had heard of this stuff before, and I guess just never really thought about it in terms of myself and my own playing. I had a good friend in college at WKU who was a trumpet player and played very much with an upstream embouchure. Everyone there (including his teacher) told him that it was fundamentally incorrect and it would hinder him in the future... that turned out to be not true at all, as he is a very fine player indeed. I see the great brass players of our time right now (Joe Alessi, Steve Mead, etc) play with a downstream embouchure (where the upper lip dominates and the mouthpiece is higher on the face). I was taught to play 50/50, which I do now. However, I got the horn out a few minutes ago, and was tinkering with both upstream and downstream settings, and WOW... there are MAJOR benefits to both, really. The next few days of practice will be exploratory for me and quite interesting... hopefully I'll get BETTER!!!! Watch out... LOL! I encourage you to check with your students and see what they are, and see what WORKS BEST FOR THEM, not that you think is right or have been taught yourself. I will do the same.


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