Busy times...

Home and relaxing from a long day that had me teaching at 7:00 am and finishing around 7:00 pm! Crazy! After a nice meal at Jason's Deli, I'm finally home to kick back and get some sleep before back at it tomorrow morning. My brass choir had a good rehearsal today, which was good because we really needed it! The program is tough, and it's certainly challenging for them. In the long haul, it will be good for them.

Found out today that I had 4 students to be accepted to the Tennessee Governor's School for the Arts program this coming summer! Very proud of them! They will certainly enjoy it.

Have a rehearsal Saturday morning with the Southern Stars and then watching the UK @ Vandy game Saturday night. Will be a tough one, but we can do it.

Just confirmed a couple of more events, which puts my solo engagements up to 12 so far in 2010 through mid-May. There are more to book for the fall as well. Busy times, indeed! Very excited for the future and to see what God has in store for me! Plans for a 2nd CD will begin fruition in the summer...will update on that.

Off to bed for me...yes, it's only 9:30...but I'm getting old...


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