Case of the "Mondays"....

Have had a TERRIBLE headache all morning that kept me from teaching at OHS, but thankfully it did get better and I was able to get some of my students in today. I have rescheduled them for later in the week... which means long days... ugh...

Even though the Colts lost last night, I'm still proud of them for the way they handled it. Truly a class-act team, which is yet another reason to be a fan. Jim Caldwell is a great coach, and has a great outlook on things, as does Peyton Manning. You can tell that Tony Dungy has left his Christian mark on the team... they just handle themselves with class and do things the right way. So they lost a game...!?!?!?? If those two teams played every week, they would literally trade wins, I think. The two best teams in the league all year long, and was fun to watch a Super Bowl that, minus the last couple of minutes, was actually a real game. Gotta say though... didn't like the onside kick... but was gutsy.

Off to OHS to get some practice in here in a few. Haven't been able to play today because of the headache, but hopefully will be able to get some horn time in a bit. Will update later...


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